Entered the position in a bet to catch profit from rising market on the reasons: 1) Russell 2000 and Nasdaq Composite futures w/ $add didn't post new session low unlike ES had; 2) financial sector - the weakest during the session - started to recover slightly, plus 3) internals were in favor. But the market sharply fell through. The decline was so breaking that I even haven't placed stop loss order. And as a conclusion, soon whole risk management system was broken.
In unite w/ risk management fault the reasons of the entry were not so perfect as I belied in. In fact there was no bulls superiority as 3rd reason of the trade entry have said. Before the position open, there was only 2 $ticks above +800 w/ no $ticks below -800. But such $tick execution did not correspond to bullish internals. Market environment was neutral. And when mote then two and a half hours ES was tring to break above VWAP and faile to do this, it was obvious that the market likely to go down.
In conclusion of this trade I want to emphasize, that one of the key reasons of my recent poor trading performance is fail of monitoring overall picture and environment of the session and focusing only on previous twenty-thirty minutes before the trade entry.
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