It was all about accuracy. Entered long calling for VWAP upside breakout (realized) and potential move to levels near session highs (not realized). Entered on normal divergence on ER & NQ w/ $tick confirmation. Added on sharp xle recovery (sector who did push mkt to the dn.side during past hour before my t. entry). ES break above VWAP, but it was all about accuracy.
How much ES was crossing VWAP during the session? More then 5 already. Too much not to rely on VWAP breakout value that session. Second issue - internals.
$tick: 9t.>+800/10t<-800 and 3t.>+1k/3t<-1k. thats neutral. zero.
Still $tick didnt posted any candle below -200 last 15 minutes before my entry.
not great issue, but ok, let it be. 0 + 1 = 1
But. $add:-800 while SP500 at -0.5%. bearish. 1 - 1 = 0
And $trin: 1.75 - bearish, so 0 - 1 = -1
So here goes summ: -1 It means indeed we had bearish internals. Shaky environment. I at least should place stop loss at a level with no total loss from both two todays session trades. Still plus 4.5% for the week for now.
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