Morning trade was based on correlation between S&P 500 & Nasaq Composite with Russell 2000. Couple of minutes before NQ with ER have slided sharply while ES ws at a place. Plus, first ssn minute results were: ES:+0.05%; ER:-0.6%; NQ:-0.1%. Too huge gap between ES & NQ. In term with sharp NQ (with ER) decline ahead sessn open bell, S&P in respect with overnight trading levels, seemed overbought. Fixed, cause near 5th february 10' VPOC, plus just do not prefer trading at a morning, too shaky and lack of internals data collected.
Although, the session was tremendously hard for me. My risk management system have cracked. There was a possibility of huge drawdown. But external environment was in my favor and the problem was resolved. Still, lot of work to do to avoid such risk management system fault happen again.
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