First morning trade opened because: 1) materials (XLB; the leading sector during first minutes) sliding sharply; 2) financials (XLF) no hhs during last 10 minutes; 3) Russell 2000 (ER) too reluctant - on the brink to pullback. Fixed on: 1) already too sharp drop; 2) perception, that the bulls nevertheless (according to last sessions execution) are stronger; 3) and the main - technical problems - no $tick, $add, etc data supply. Btw, plus near 1.2 percent for only one minute.
Second session trade, or 394th since I started to track, was opened on: 1) XLF posting ll w/ 2) internals in favor (3t>+400 w/ 1t<-400). To tell the truth, not the greatest reasons to risk money. Fixed, cause: XLE & ER were posting hh.
Next trade was based only on one reason - false bullish divergence, because RSI, 3/10 oscillator and $tick didn't confirm it. I was extremely wrong. Even XLB, XLE, XLF, NQ w/ ER didn't post divergence cause there were stronger then ES. Extremely do not proud of that trade. Not small loss it brings to the fund.
Last, 349th trade, was opened on: 1) NQ, XLB, XLF, XLE posting hh; 2) $tick posting fresh session high (nicely confirming upside VWAP breakout) and 3) internals were in favor ($tick: 6t<-600 w/ 11t>+600; $add: +400 w/ SP500 at zero percent). After two and a half hour, when bulls lost any superiority, staying in the long was useless and too risky.
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