Small profit - huge loss. During the past session ones again it have been revealed, that no matter smart trades execution, I do make very huge losses. According to the chart below, it is apparently to see the difference between my trades P/L in term of the ES points versus cash results.

You can see that during the current month, from the 1st february 10' to the past session the fund have gained some 7 ES points profit. But w/ real money things are going not so good, w/ near 85$ loss or minus 3 percent.
In the summarize of the past week I have emphasized, that ES points P/L result was plus 0.5pts. In comparison, during the same period, 11th 2010 week, the fund have slided 6 percent. Chart below nicely depicts it.

But the story not came to the end. Now it just repeats ones again. Since the beginning of the current, 12th 10' week, the fund for now is loosing 4 percent. But in term of ES points the result is again positive - plus 1.0pts.

The only initial conclusion I can make from here is to start work w/ almost the same size of the contract, no matter perception, internals or other market environment factors.

You can see that during the current month, from the 1st february 10' to the past session the fund have gained some 7 ES points profit. But w/ real money things are going not so good, w/ near 85$ loss or minus 3 percent.
In the summarize of the past week I have emphasized, that ES points P/L result was plus 0.5pts. In comparison, during the same period, 11th 2010 week, the fund have slided 6 percent. Chart below nicely depicts it.

But the story not came to the end. Now it just repeats ones again. Since the beginning of the current, 12th 10' week, the fund for now is loosing 4 percent. But in term of ES points the result is again positive - plus 1.0pts.

The only initial conclusion I can make from here is to start work w/ almost the same size of the contract, no matter perception, internals or other market environment factors.
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